Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Couple of ways to let out your frustrations!!!

Life is full of ups and downs. The main trick here is to enjoy the good times, every moment of it and handle the hard times bravely.  Everyone goes through rough time in there life but what matters more is how you handle it, whether you pretend as if it did not happen or face it and vent it out! 

Never bottle up your frustrations. Find a healthy way to let out your feelings this will help to relieve stress, rage and anxiety.

Here are few ways how you can vent them out:

Cry Crying out when you are sad or frustrated helps a lot. It helps to vent out the bottled up energy.

Punch bag  – Sometimes when you are angry or in a rage you might feel like punching or hit something. The healthy ways of expressing it is by hitting a pillow or use a punch bag. Just picture the punch bag as the object against which you are angry, if it helps yell out while hitting the object. This way you can express the feeling and also find what aspect of it is making you this angry.

Listening to music  – Sometimes it helps when you listen to music. It calms you down.

Talking – Talking is one of the best way to let out you anger and frustration. You can talk to someone close to you or can go for counseling. Sometimes you will find that talking to oneself helps as well. Often we can understand more just by hearing ourselves speak, things that made sense a little while before may not make sense any more.

Writing – You can keep a journal and write down all the feelings and emotions that you are going through and reread them for more clarity and also help you learn things much better.

Channel it towards something helpful – Few handle their issues and emotions by channeling their energy towards something useful or something they are working on.

Express your feeling through an art – What better way to express yourself then creating something that is beautiful and memorable. This is something you will remember and can revisit when you feel like. It is said, “A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art!!”

Exercise – This is not that different from punching a bag or a pillow, you are venting out your stress by some physical act, plus getting in shape and you are healthy. This will release stress and help you feel relaxed.

Yoga and meditation also helps to clear your mind.

Everyone has there own ways of letting out how they feel, above are few start-ups. Life may not be the party you hoped for, but while you are here you might as well make best out of it

Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.
~Grandma Moses

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