Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence!!!

I was reading this short story which was based on “Grass is always greener” saying and I felt how we are always so busy thinking on how green the other side is, that we forget what we have!!! Of course grass looks greener on the other side because it’s the grass that we don’t have!!!! Person working in a big company for 14 hrs a day will look at a self employed person and feel sad that he does not have time flexibility, where as the self employed person will look at this big company guy and think how he would wish to have that kind of job security! It’s like a big cycle that never ends. There is always someone somewhere who has it better, or so everyone thinks.

Often talent and situation of other people looks much more desirable than one’s own. It feels like the whole world is against us when it might not be true in reality at all. Most people desire and value things that they don’t have or can’t afford to have more than what they can afford. So they try to glorify their life by spray painting their grass green so that it will match the one on the other side of the fence!!!! Why do they always seek to be better than the world around when in fact they could be awesome enough just the way they are? And then again perception of the grass is in the eyes of the watcher.

I think that if we stop being unhappy on what we don’t have and try to be happy and grateful for what we have, this whole world will look like such a better place to live in and we won’t even have to spray paint the grass to match the other side!!!

 "The harvest is always richer in another man’s field" -- Ovid, Peter Green

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